Re: udp packet storms - ping death

Rens Troost (
Sat, 05 Nov 1994 12:31:53 -0500

>>>>> "Joseph" == Joseph McDonald <> writes:
  Joseph> On Sat, 5 Nov 1994, Darren Reed wrote:

  >> ob`bug': ever had a cd-rom mounted on sunos4 and ejected it
  >> without umounting it first ? not much fun...

  Joseph> Funny thing, this happened to me today as a matter of fact
  Joseph> on a 4.1.1 machine, hung the system good, even L1A no
  Joseph> workie.

Really? Is this reproducible? I have newbies do this all the time, and
assuming the disk was mounted ro you can just umount it. (4.1.2 and
above; I have no 4.1.1 machines left to test on, thank god.) If you're
not mounting your cdrom ro, well, you have other problems.
